Are you someone that likes to travel a lot with your baby? Or maybe you just like having a large diaper bag that you can carry everything you need in it? If so, keep reading because I have an amazing diaper bag to introduce you to!
This bag is made by the brand OkieDog. A company that makes a fairly large selection of different types of diaper bags. If you want to know more about their company click here.
Now onto my review! When selecting my diaper bag, I knew I was looking for something that was fairly large, something that could be multifunctional. I wanted to be able to use it as a hospital bag, a day-to-day diaper bag, as well as a traveling bag for baby. It is the perfect size for all of those options. The diaper bag I chose is called the Khanda-Shuttle Diaper Bag-Taupe. It comes in a variety of different colors as well, but I wanted something more neutral.
The Shuttle Diaper Bag also comes with bottle holder, changing pad and an accessory bag. It has many great features that will defiantly come in handy when you are on the go. For example; it includes a clip system so you can attach your diaper bag to your stroller, it has a parent pocket to keep your cell phone, wallet and keys, an insulated bottle pocket inside the bag, 2 quick grab straps that you could attach a pacifier to and many more great pockets.
It may seem like a large bag, but it is made of light weight material, which is great! Overall, I think this is a really awesome diaper bag that has so many options that will make life carrying a diaper bag that much more helpful.
If you have any questions about this diaper bag, feel free to comment below and contact the workers at OkieDog and they will be sure to help you!
*This product was sent to me for free for reviewing purposes but all opinions are my own.*
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